Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

— Matthew 19:14

For Children

Babies: Ages 0 – 3

Babies in this age group remain with their parents during the main church service. However, we also offer a cool and vibrant room where parents can take their little ones if they start to feel restless.


W.A.N.B.A.: Ages 3 – 6

(We Are Not Babies Anymore)

We nurture their hearts and minds, helping them learn about God in a way that is personal and meaningful to them, in their own language.

[click here for more]


Joyful Juniors: Ages 7 – 12

We share the word of God with them in a way they can easily understand. We tailor our teachings to their level, making sure it’s accessible and meaningful for them. Our goal is to help them grow in their faith in a way that feels personal and relatable.

[click here for more]


Children and Teenagers are welcome to join our Sunday

classes specially designed for them which starts

immediately after the worship session (except on the first Sunday of each month).

Find out more Contact us