Do you want Fruitfulness?

Fruitfulness sounds like a great thing to have. Once we hear the pastor preach on fruitfulness, we begin to think of more money, child bearing, houses and good character. For the latter, I speak by faith. Fruitfulness is something I want to have, you want to have, and everyone wants to have. No one chooses barrenness if all it took to get it was to say it. Can we think of someone who says I want this but not the process to get there? Don’t think too far, sometimes we may not say it, but our actions tell it.


This reminds me of a certain group of people who were promised a land. Remember, it was a promise just like fruitfulness is a blessing to mankind hence ours. However, these people couldn’t handle the wilderness experience. They mentioned they would rather go back to Egypt where they were slaves! wow! .and any other expressions you may like to give. This seems outrageous hearing this story about someone else, but what about you? Have you chosen to relax in your state because of discomfort of the process to victory? You know, a state of barrenness can become a comfort zone to you when you stay for so long? You learn to adjust, manage. I mean it’s what you’ve been used to. You choose the discomfort you’re used to than the discomfort you are not used to although leading to victory. My friend, it will be a very wrong choice.


Why do I have to go through the pain of the process? one can ask. A short answer is that discipline produces fruits. However, it is important to note that discipline is risky. You know why? This is because you lose some people and gain some. You lose the people who couldn’t withstand the discipline and choose to go back. You gain the ones who yielded to the discipline and became better, mature, lacking nothing. Let the end goal be your driving force. Look at the end goal not the process. Jesus endured the cross (the painful process) for the joy set before Him. Remember what God has set before you and fix your eyes there.

Thank you for reading!

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