A Cistern is a tank used for storing water especially one supplying taps or as part of a flushing system like a water closet. In ancient times cisterns were underground reservoirs for rainwater and were distinguished from wells mainly by having waterproof lining and shorter depths.
Growing up I remember having to deal with a faulty water closet cistern, one time, the water would not flow so I had to lift the lid and manually release the water, a task that became laborious after a few weeks so I had to get a plumber to sort it out. The second time, I noticed a crack along the side of the cistern but kept putting off calling a plumber because I was too busy and just couldn’t make out time.
One morning I got up to get ready for work and as soon as my feet touched the carpet I knew something was wrong, yes, the carpet was soaked with water. I slowly walked into the en-suite dreading what I suspected, there I found the cistern had given way to a very large crack and water was steadily flowing out of it onto the floor and into my bedroom. My heart sank. I remembered how often I had put off getting it sorted, all those excuses didn’t matter now. The cistern was broken, my carpet was ruined and I knew I would need to stay back to fix this. It didn’t matter that I was self employed and would loose earnings for the day, this was an emergency. I lived on the first floor and the possibility of the damage could extending to the ground floor flat got me anxious. I began to call around frantically for a couple of hours before I found a plumber who was available to come right away but at a high cost. He replaced my broken cistern with a new one with a warning to be more careful next time. The rest of the damage was taken care of also at a high cost.
A broken cistern, no matter how beautiful or expensive will always leak water and cause damages. Our lives are like cisterns, empty vessels that need filling so we can out-pour into various aspects of our lives with the intention that they are the better for it but instead what happens when we are broken, we feel out of control and bring hurt to those around us. Broken cisterns simply cannot hold water. Are you broken? Have you got a crack that you’re ignoring at the moment? Are desperately trying to fill yourself up with many ‘things’ only to realise the don’t fill the emptiness inside of you?
In our text Jeremiah 2:13, we see God (in the person of the Holy Spirit) is the Fountain of Living Water. Have you left Him behind to go chasing after other sources. Only The Living Water truly can satisfy John 4:13-14. We see Jesus Christ speaking to the woman by the well also in John 4:10. Do you have Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? If you accept Him, you will have access to the Holy Spirit. John 7:37-39 tells us the Holy Spirit is the well of living water.
Will you let Him enter in? Will you allow Him heal, deliver and restore you? Do you want to thirst no more? Are you ready to receive an overflow of living water? Then you need the Holy Spirit. He is the only one who can fill you up till overflowing. He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. He wants to heal your brokenness and make you a vessel unto honour. The Holy Spirit is asking you to come as you are, you are important and your life matters. God has an awesome plan for you and wants to use all your experiences for His glory. It doesn’t matter how far or how broken.. just come. He is able to deliver and to save. Amen.
Thank you for reading!
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